12+ Common Life Challenges & Resources to Overcome Them.
We all go through difficult times in our lives and while there’s no magic solution or one-size-fits-all answer to these issues, sometimes a change in perspective, clear strategies and insights go a long way to helping us get through the storms of life.
Here are various issues and some helpful resources to overcome them. Read through (by Clicking underlined texts) and please share with someone who may find any of these resources useful:
- DISCOURAGED: Do you feel discouraged? Hopeless? Do you feel like you’ve given your best effort yet you’re not getting results? Do you feel like giving up on yourself or your dreams? Read these:
I. Your Dreams Are Worth Fighting For
II. The Wrong Way To Set Goals
III. Here’s Why You Should Not Give Up.
IV. How to help someone who feels discouraged.
Do you often you get worried a lot? Or do you often find yourself anxious or afraid that something will go wrong or something bad will happen?
These resources may help (Click underlined texts)
II. How to stop feeling anxious
III. 7 perspectives to overcome fear
3. DEPRESSION & SUICIDE (Joy): Struggling with frequent sadness or feelings of despair, or sometimes feeling you were better dead?
Here are articles on Depression & Suicide from a trusted medical doctor and friend: Doc Ayomide
Suicide: https://docayomide.com/topics/mental-illness/suicide/
Mental disorders: https://docayomide.com/topics/mental-illness/
Pain & Recovery: https://docayomide.com/topics/pain/
4- CHILDREN CONCERNS: Do you often worry about your children? Do you worry if they will grow into confident, responsible and godly adults with a healthy self esteem? Read these:
Say These To Your Children While You Still Have Time
Four Simple Words That Can Change A Life
The Media May Be Killing Your Children
How two careless words almost destroyed a life
Who Am I? 12 Awesome Videos To Build Your Child’s Self Esteem & Confidence.
5. LONELINESS (Connected): Do you often feel alone, even when you are surrounded by friends and family? Do you feel like you have no one you can really call a friend— no one who truly understands you and connects you? Do you often feel isolated and separate from others?
Read/Watch these (Click underlined text)
The lasting Answer to Loneliness
The Simple Cure to Loneliness|Baya Voce
All The Lonely People| Karen Dolva
6- GRIEF (Comfort): Are you grieving? Have you lost a loved one and it still hurts deeply and affects your ability to move forward with life? Watch these powerful videos below:
Getting Cozy With Death| Stacy Smith
7. SEXUAL ISSUES (Freedom)- Are you addicted to Pornography, sex, etc? This will help (Click links in underlined text)
How to overcome pornography and other addictions
Freedom Declarations to break bad habits
This is what addiction feels like.
8. SUBSTANCE ADDICTION (Freedom): Do you find it difficult to function well unless you take drugs, alcohol or other addictive substances? Have drugs become a habit? These resources will help you break free:
I. This is what addiction feels like
II. The Tragic Story of Chris Herren
III. 12 steps to overcome addictions
IV. Freedom Declarations to break bad habits
9. LOW SELF ESTEEM (God-fidence): Feeling like others are better than you? Feeling small? Lacking confidence? Feeling insecure? Feeling worthless or often feeling you don’t matter much? These resources may help:
I. How to overcome self-defeating thoughts
II. A simple way to overcome fear and develop confidence
III. Identity crisis ends here— discover who you are
IV. How to stop feeling not-good-enough
10. Guilt, Trauma & Abuse:
Is there something you did or that happened to you that hurts you deeply whenever you remember or makes you feel terrible, guilty, afraid, or dirty and unclean?
Have you suffered trauma such as sexual abuse, emotional abuse, severe bullying or shaming or some other incidence that brings you great pain? These may help:
I. How two careless words almost destroyed a life
II. How to stop hurtful words from crushing you:
III. The most important reason to forgive
IV. How to prevent sexual abuse
And check out this archive: Pain & Recovery: https://docayomide.com/topics/pain/
11- FAILURE & REJECTION: Have you experienced failure after failure? Do you feel like a failure? Do you struggle with feelings of rejection?
How to Overcome Self-Defeating Thoughts
Overcoming The Fear of Failure
How to overcome failure and rejection:
12- PEER PRESSURE: Are you easily influenced by others? Do you often give in to pressure from your peers to do what you don’t want to?
Who am I? 12 Awesome Videos to Build Your Self Esteem
5 Things to Overcome Teenage Peer Pressure
Will you like to help those who are struggling with these issues?
Read this: How to have people trust you & open up to you
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Hi. I’m Dipo Adebayo. I write, speak and train on soft skills and overcoming limiting emotions such as anxiety, fear, failure, rejection, the feeling of not-being-good-enough, low self-esteem, overcoming self-defeating thoughts, doubt etc.
Generally, I share content on personal development. If you'll like to know whenever I publish an article, please sign up here
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