Dipo Adebayo
6 min readApr 16, 2022

FIGHTING ADDICTIONS (Overcoming Pornography)

Objective: To help you overcome the addiction to pornography, and other addictions or bad habits.

Study based on the video: How Porn Affects the brain- watch here: https://youtu.be/1Ya67aLaaCc

Learn More On: https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-can-affect-the-brain-like-a-drug/


1. What struck you most about the video?

2. Do you think pornography is that big of an issue? Please give a reason for your answer. [Highlight other dangers of pornography the students don’t mention]

3. What things could lead to watching pornography?

4. How can pornography become as addictive as a hard drug?

5. Is it possible to break free from an addiction to porn? If yes, how? [Ask the students if any of them can share a personal experience or that of a friend]

12 STEPS TO BREAKING FREE FROM PORNOGRAPHY (and other bad habits): The 12 T’s!

For better clarity, kindly read the scriptures quoted in the translations referenced

I. Tell Yourself the Truth: If porn has become a habit, admit it. You can’t correct what you don’t admit. Also, admit that it is wrong. Don’t sugar coat it or make light of it, call it out for what it is — sin (1 John.1:8-9)

II. Tear Off: Cut off anything that connects you to porn— friends, bad movies, games, novels, pictures, internet access, subscription to porn sites, etc. Also, stay off intimate relationships with the opposite sex (boyfriend/girlfriend relationships). Doing all these things may initially be hard, but it is a much smaller price to pay when compared to the cost of losing your soul if you unrepentantly continue in the sin of pornography. (Matthew.5:27-30. Mark 9:43-48 AMP)

III. Top Up: Feed your mind with the right things. Remember, you become what you allow get into you— therefore your life will likely go in the direction of the books you read, the movies you watch, the music you listen to, the people you hang out with, and the conversations you engage in; therefore be careful to only allow the right things to get into your heart. Guard your heart with all diligence!! (Matthew 15:15-20. Proverbs 4:23 NIV, NLT, Philippians. 4:8-9 AMP)

IV: Till your Land (Develop Your Self): Spend your time building your spirit, mind and body- read books, take courses, develop yourself, look for places you can serve (volunteer)— be sure you are growing in every facet of life: spiritually, mentally, academically, financially, in your attitude or character etc. Also, use your free time to learn new skills and develop skills you already have. Remember, the future is for those who make the most of the present. Make the most of your time. Ensure you are never bored and wasting time— develop a routine that keeps you occupied; (Luke 2:52. Proverbs 24:30-34. Proverbs 6:6-11. Ecclesiastes 11:6 NET. Luke 19:11-27)

V. Talk to Someone: Talk to someone you trust and who can provide you helpful counsel to overcome this habit. Also, have the person hold you accountable and follow up with you on your progress in stopping the bad habit. Sin thrives in secrecy, but is destroyed when brought into the light (James 5:16).

VI. Touch-base with a Support Group: Find a support group or gather a team of trusted people where you meet periodically to get support and encouragement in your fight against pornography. Remember, iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 17:17)

VII. Talk to God about your struggle: Invite the help of the Holy Spirit and rely on His grace for each day. Remember, the Holy Spirit is your Helper, He is the One that makes you holy in your mind and heart. Pray to him always and be careful to follow his instructions or promptings. Hebrews 4:14-16 AMP. John 14:15-18. Rom 6:12-14 TPT, 8:12-17 AMP, TPT)

VIII. Think God (Focus on Jesus): The more space God’s word occupies in your mind, the less room you leave for the wrong thoughts. Fill up your mind with godly content, either its music, books, movies, videos, shows etc., and get godly friends. (Psalm 119:9-11. Romans 12:1-2 MSG, AMP Philippians 4:8 AMP)

Soak yourself in God by focusing on Jesus through every book of the Bible; spend more time in God’s presence (reading or listening to the Bible (audio-Bible), praying, worshipping, listening to Christian messages etc.) that God’s holiness will be progressively imparted to your mind and heart.

(Psalm 119:9-11 AMP, 2.Cor.3:18 KJV. Hebrews 12:1-3 AMP)

IX. Try Again: Don’t stop fighting, even when you fall into sexual sin, or any other sin, run back to God for

mercy & grace (the help of God that gives the power to overcome) and fight again! You will win! God says you will! (Proverbs.24:16. Hebrews 4:14-16. Romans 6:14 in Amplified translation)

X. Tell Others (Fulfil The Great Commission):. Get busy for God. Get involved with the great command of bringing people into His kingdom (evangelism), baptizing them in water and in the Holy Ghost and raising them up in the faith (discipleship). Matthew 28:18-19.

XI. Tell yourself God’s Truth (Confessions): Get scriptures in the Bible about breaking free from the control of sin or unholy desires— and instead living under the control of the Spirit of God; then begin to speak these scriptures to yourself (confess) every morning, afternoon and evening, as often as you remember.

When you speak God’s word to your life, you are speaking God’s life and power to it, and you will receive God’s power and intervention in the area you are speaking God’s word to. (Proverbs 18:20-21. Hebrews 4:12. Mark 11:22-23. Joshua 1:8. Isaiah 55:10-11). At the end of this outline you’ll find scriptures you can confess to yourself. Study them and confess them.

XII. Spend time with other believers: Regularly spend time in fellowship with other believers; it will further motivate you to disengage from the bad habit and spur you to good habits (Hebrews 10:24-25)

CONCLUSION: Pornography, like other addictions, is like a hard drug; it thrills in the moment, but destroys with time. But with God’s help, we can overcome it.

ACTION: Are you born again? If you are not, then the first step to overcoming addiction is to give your life to JESUS, the One who nailed pornography and every other sinful habit to the cross of Calvary.

(Teacher should lead students to say this prayer, and thereafter pray for them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit: “Thank you God for giving me your One & Only Son, Jesus, to die for my sins. Jesus, I confess you as my Master and my Saviour. Thank you for saving me from sin and hell; You gave your life for me, now I give my life to You; from today on I live to serve you, only you. In Jesus’ name. Amen ( John 3:16, Romans. 10:9-10. Acts 1:8, 19:1-7)

WRITE: [Have the students give you what they wrote]

1. Write any struggles you may have with pornography or any other addiction.

2. Write major lessons you have learnt from this class? And how will you apply what you learnt?

3. Which of the 12 T’s had the most impact on you and how will you apply it?

4. Who will you influence (impact) with what you have learned, and how?

5. Do you have questions or comments? Please share.

MEMORY VERSE (Say it till it sticks in your mind!): For the law of the life-giving Spirit in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 NET

CONFESSION: Because God has set me free by His Son, Jesus, I am free from every addiction!

TAKE HOME: With God’s help. I promise not to watch pornography. (Ask the teens to take a stand to fight the new drug (pornography) by making this promise)

SUBSCRIBE: Subscribe to these resources for an e-platform to start your journey to freedom from pornography, and to learn more:

Fight The New Drug: https://fightthenewdrug.org/

The Freedom Fight: https://thefreedomfight.org

Quit Porn for Good: https://joinfortify.com

One last thing, and very important; as often as you can, in every single day, say these affirmations: Breaking free from bad habits declarations: https://link.medium.com/FXliBuaKgpb

Dipo Adebayo
Dipo Adebayo

Written by Dipo Adebayo

I am a water engineer, softskills coach, writer & teen counselor. I write on hope and rising above shame, rejection, fear & failure. Follow on IG @dipoadebayo

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